My Life.
I am from Florida and will probably mention this fact in conversation if given the opportunity. Graduate of the University of Florida (Go Gators!) with a BFA in Electronic Intermedia. See the Professional section, for information about my career. Married in 2015 at the Florida Aquarium in Tampa, Florida. (See how I did that?)
For Liberty and Equality.
My great grandmother founded a DAR chapter and my mother has been a member of DAR since the 1980s. I recently decided to join my local DAR chapter and make it official. I love history, especially my family history and the history of our nation. I believe in this great nation, pledge allegiance to our flag, and support the patriots that fought for our freedom. I also support equal rights for all individuals in this country.
In the pursuit of Happiness.
I love to travel. My husband and I want to visit every national park in our lifetime. We have quite a few left. I read…a lot. I enjoy trivia. I draw, paint, craft – depending on my mood. I come from a long line of singers/vocalists ( my great aunt was an opera singer) – I prefer karaoke myself.
I started this website to give others a little insight into me and my interests. Take a look around and I truly hope you enjoy, welcome!